Airtec: Filtrační a regulační jednotky

Filter FK, FKF, FKM, FKA
- G1/8 up to G1/4

Filter FX, FXF, FXM, FXA
- G1/4 up to G3/4

Pressure regulator RX
- G1/4 up to G3/4

Filter regulator FRX
- G1/4 up to G3/4

Lubricator OX
- G1/4 up to G3/4

Two piece air service unit FROX
- G1/4 up to G3/4

Ball valve KX
- G1/4 up to G3/4

Soft start valve DAX
- G1/4 up to G1/2

3/2-way inline valve VMX
- G1/4 up to G1/2

Distributor block TX
- G1/4 up to G1/2

T-distributor TY
- G1/4 až G1

Pressure regulator RK
- G1/8 up to G1/4

Filter regulator FRK
- G1/8 up to G1/4

Lubricator OK
- G1/8 up to G1/4

Two piece air service unit FROK
- G1/8 up to G1/4

Ball valve KK
- G1/8 up to G1/4

Soft start valve DAK
- G1/4

Distributor block TK
- G1/4

Regulátor tlaku RY
- G1/4 až G1

Series 82-DPS
- Connection: G1/8
- Measuring ranges: -1...10 bar
- Temperature range: 0°C...+50°C

Precision pressure regulator Series RP
- connections: G1/4...G1/2
- output range:
- 0,05...2 bar
- 0,05...3 bar
- 0,05...4 bar
- 0,05...5 bar
- 0,05...7 bar
- 0,05...10 bar
- temperature range: -10°C...+60°C

Precision pressure regulator Series RPS
- connection: G1/4
- output range:
- 0,05...4 bar
- 0,05...8 bar
- temperature range: -10°C...+60°C

Pressure regulator series RD
- connection: G1/8...G1/4
- output range:
- 0,1...3 bar
- 0,15...7 bar
- 0,5...10 bar
- temperature range: -10°C...+60°C